Want This Car

well sort of…

Now with the Big 3 on the Hill looking for some bailout money. I am beginning to like my fixie a whole lot more. But living where I live everyone is attached to their cars. Obviously the nicer the whip, the better. Which brings me to a conversation that I was having the other day with a friend about the Smart car. She is definitely a luxury brand girl, and can you blame her? Who isn’t into luxury? We all want it, it’s just a matter of getting it. Right? The topic was based around the lack of luxury and the Smart car. So I was quite surprised to find this link today about the Smart car and Hermès. For the tenth anniversary of the Como Group they teamed up with Hermès to upholster 10 Smart car interiors in 10 different Hermès colors. It’s pretty hot. However I’m not sure if my friend will be ready to trade in her whip for a Smart car. Since the exteriors look exactly the same as any other run-of-the-mill Smart car, and the cost jumps to about $50,000.00 for one of these little bad boys. I would give her the advice that my mother and grandmother gave me years ago… “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” You can check out more images of the collaboration at Dezeen

via Cool Hunting

Smart Interior

Smart Interior

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